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Testimonials From Our Students
ISA has been very welcoming in introducing all of their courses and supportive in my fitness career and journey to be a health and wellness educator and provider. Have always have good comments of the team, especially, Raymond, Fion, Joel and Crystal 😀
I recommend International Sports Academy (ISA) for all aspiring fitness professionals
The CSCS course was a short yet a very comprehensive course conducted by ISA. It provides alot of insight for one who are keen in performing the role as a coach or trainer.
The intructor, Raymond Wang (Duty Diredtor) and Andrew, had conduct the teaching session both via zoom and physical teaching. Mr Raymond was very details and specific on his teaching while Andrew was more generalise in term of teaching. However, both have did a good job in delivering the topic in the 5 days of teaching. I want to thank them and appreciate their time for giving and sharing! Kudos to all!

I love that the 1-day course on Elderly Exercise is condensed to the important points, carried out at the right pace for people of all experiences, and the material is very real-life without being too textbook.
Our instructor Dominic is also very interactive and engaging, and makes sure everyone is not stressed about whether they are giving the “right” or “wrong” answers.
Fion and her team in ISA is responsive and clear in their reply to my questions. Highly appreciated 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 The ISA Basic Sports Massage (BSM) course (June 2023) & the ISA-Qinetic Rehab Exercise and Therapy Specialist (RETS) Course were helpful, informative. Faizul & his team (BSM) & Kwan & his team (RETS) were professional & helpful.
Kwan is an awesome and passionate instructor with a clear vision for educating and mentoring future therapists. An insightful course that perfectly complements my sports massage training, enhancing the support I can offer to both current and future clients. I highly recommend these and other courses, as they will greatly benefit anyone interested in rehab therapy and helping others.
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“Attended the rehab exercise and therapy specialist course by Qinetic Welness. Course was excellent and put together really well. Instructor Mr Kwan is a great teacher!”