This week, ISA is proud to feature Harrold Lee, our alumni from ISA Diploma in Sports Science & Management!Here’s what Harrold has to say about ISA:
“I chose to pursue the private education route as I wanted to study modules that are relevant to the industry and upgrade myself. Upon completing the diploma, I am currently working full-time at Decathlon Singapore as an Omnichannel Sports Advisor and I can apply the knowledge in my current working life. I’m glad I chose ISA to further my education.”
Here’s an interview we had with Harrold,
1. Tell us more about yourself (eg, pursuing any sports etc?) and why did you choose to pursue an education in Sports Science and Management with ISA?
After National Service, I found a job at MegaAdventure Singapore. I found myself enjoying the work in the outdoor industry and began to appreciate outdoor sport activities. During my free time, I picked up Unicycle Hockey with the Singapore Uni-cyclist Organization and I was also encouraged to pick up Sports Climbing from a friend. Thereafter, I explored being a freelance camp instructor for a brief period of time. I had plans to further my education and a colleague of mine shared with me about ISA. I found out about their Diploma in Sports Science and Management and decided to upgrade myself by pursuing it to gain better knowledge in sports.
2. What made you choose the route of furthering your studies with a private education institution rather than with a local university?
As I wasn’t an academically inclined person, I chose the private education route as modules that were taught were curated according to the demand as compared to local schools that requires you to take up electives as well. I felt that private education helped me save time as courses in local schools can take up to 3 years. The private education route would allow me to get back to the workforce at a much quicker pace.
3. What are some of the areas/modules that you have found useful/interesting in your diploma? Tell us about a particular subject/lesson you had that stayed with you.
I found Nutrition for Sports and Exercise interesting as it is important to know what I should consume when doing sports in order to fully maximize the activity. The strength and conditioning module also allowed me to expand my knowledge on certain exercise technique in order to upkeep oneself. Sports Management & Marketing is another module that gave me a glimpse of what it could be like to run sport events as well as to promote and encourage sports activities.
4. What are the challenges you faced during your studies and how do you overcome them?
As I am not academically inclined, I struggled with modules that are heavy in content. However, that did not stop me from getting through the exam. I would consult the lecturers after class whenever I don’t understand certain stuff. I would also exchange pointers with my classmates to better understand some stuff. Most importantly, I would start reading up on my notes in advance to prepare for the examinations.
5. What are some of the most valuable takeaways from the programme you took at ISA?
It would be the opportunity to go on a visit to Sports Hub with the school to better understand more on the sports facilities and the modules which has equipped me with the knowledge to get me to where I am today.
6. How did you juggle your commitment between school, work and training?
I would prioritize my studies first, then followed by my workout programmes and working part time over the weekends whenever possible to keep the hands-on experience going.
7. What are you doing now and what are your plans after graduation?
Upon completing the diploma, I’ve found a full time job and I am currently working at Decathlon Singapore as an Omnichannel Sports Advisor. Furthering my education has broaden my prospect other than connections through friends.
8. What are your best memories of student life at ISA?
I met classmates from all walks of life and had better understanding of the sport they practice as well which is relevant to the course. I also met Shang, who was helpful in guiding me through in applying for the course that suits me best. I was introduced to the SSM diploma by Shang and I felt that it was a better option than my initial plans. I have learnt the essence of Sports Science & Management and can apply the knowledge in my current job at Decathlon.Shang was also always encouraging me and constantly assuring me that I can always do better.Getting to know Mr Mark Chay, CEO of ISA, was awesome as well. He has experience in the Sports Sector, knowledgeable, friendly and as well as helpful.
I’m glad I chose ISA to further my education.